Contoh Persiapan Kuliah
Accounting Information Systems delivers the most comprehensive and flexible coverage of each major approach to teaching AIS, giving instructors the opportunity to reorder chapters and focus the material to suit their individual course needs. The 14th Edition covers all of the most recent updates in AIS, including how developments in IT affect business processes and controls, the effect of recent regulatory developments on the design and operation of accounting systems, and how accountants can use the AIS to add value to an organization. Not only will students see how AIS has changed the role of an accountant, but they’ll also be prepared for a successful accounting career in public practice, industry, or government.
PEKERTI - Enterprise Resource Planning
This subject is one of some topics in accounting information systems stressing enterprise resource planning (ERP) in organizations or companies. Several topics pertaining to ERP will be discussed, such as ERP in sales and marketing, accounting and finance, production and materials management, and human resources. The course also includes re-engineering, planning, designing, implementing, and managing ERP projects. The main objective of this subject is to enable students to understand how ERP systems can bring benefits and improve the effectiveness of organizations’ information systems.
PEKERTI - International Human Resource Management
Changes of business practices in one country inevitably influence businesses in other countries, and vice versa. The global business environment became more dynamic following the emergence of transitional and newly industrializing economies, i.e. China, Vietnam, and India. As a result, multinational corporations are no longer under the domination of the US and Western European countries. There has been increasing trend in people mobilization across countries and continents. As a result, companies become melting pots of people with diverse backgrounds. People diversity can become a source of competitive advantage if it is managed strategically. This situation has been exacerbated with the pressures toward digital transformation. It is believed that digital transformation is not about technological advancement per se, it is about ‘people and talent transformation. The combination of these situations requires a new or modified way to manage human resources to keep up with the future demand of the company and industry.
PEKERTI - Komunikasi dan Negosiasi Bisnis
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang perpajakan yang meliputi teori
perpajakan, peraturan perpajakan, praktik perpajakan, dan akuntansi perpajakan
dalam konteks Indonesia. Mata kuliah ini berfokus pada pembahasan pajak
penghasilan individu dan badan, pajak properti, dan pajak pertambahan nilai.
Sejalan dengan desentralisasi fiskal Indonesia, pajak pemerintah daerah juga
akan menjadi bagian dari bahasan. Selain itu, ulasan singkat tentang topik yang
terkait dengan perpajakan internasional dan perencanaan pajak juga akan
diberikan di tingkat pengantar.