Community Based Tourism

Mata kuliah ini diharapkan dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami fenomena pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Secara garis besar mata kuliah ini akan mempelajari konsep dan aplikasi pariwisata berbasis masyarakat dalam bentuk studi kasus partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam perencanaan dan pembangunan pariwisata.

Pengelolaan Big Data

Mata Kuliah ini mempelajari tentang ruang lingkup yang lebih pada digital disruption, digital business model (B2B /B2C), Digital marketing (new wave marketing 3.0), brand sentiment analysis, e-commerce in tourism, smart tourism, digital tourism, virtual tourism, social media in tourism, dan case study implementasinya. Case study yang akan dipelajari adalah implementasi big data di agensi travel, airlines, hospitality, smart tourism (smart city), OTA in Indonesia, dan Tour Guiding Application. Mata kuliah ini bertujuan bahwa mahasiswa mampu meng-create strategi bisnis digitalnya dan menghasilkan produk/prototype dari strateginya.

Perencanaan Bisnis

Course description

In this course, students carry out business travel planning practices. Students will get an assignment sheet at each meeting that must be done to prepare a business planning proposal. After taking this course, students are expected to formulate ideas and business travel systems in the form of a business planning proposal. Students are also expected to design tour & travel-product samples, offer them to potential customers, and get feedback to improve product samples.

Course objectives

  1. Demonstrate an attitude of honesty, responsibility, self-confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being lifelong learners.
  2. Mastering knowledge of comprehensive business design and operations
  3. Mastering knowledge about the design, implementation, management of community-based tourism trips and technological developments.
  4. Able to develop networks, adapt, create, contribute, supervise, evaluate, and make decisions to show independent and group performance to apply knowledge to social life.
  5. Able to plan and carry out community-based travel business and technological developments

Classroom format

Lecture & project

Student evaluation and grading

  1. Student participant (Attendance)
  2. Assignment/project
  3. Mid-Term & Final Exam
Class policies
  1. 75% attendance from 10 meetings
  2. 15 minutes tolerance for tardiness

Barrow, Colin., Barrow, Paul & Brown, Robert. 2008. The Business Plan Workbook: The Definitive Guide to Researching, Writing up and Presenting a Winning Plan, 6th Edition. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

Green, Cynthia L. 2011. How to Write a Business Plan. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning.

McKeever, Mike P. 2019. How to Write a: Business Plan, 14th Edition. NOLO.

Course Outline
  1. Generate business idea
  2. Business profile, aims, goals
  3. Nichecraft
  4. Product development
  5. Prices
  6. Marketing plan