Basic Veterinary Parasitology

The Basic Veterinary Parasitology course is mandatory. Basic veterinary parasitology studies parasites that affect domestic and wild animals. Areas of study include life cycles, transmission, diagnosis, treatment, and control of parasites. A wide range of parasites include protozoa, helminths (worms), arthropods (e.g., fleas and mites), and other organisms that live in or on animal hosts.

Basic veterinary parasitology is essential for diagnosing and treating parasitic infections in animals. This involves understanding the different species of parasites that affect other types of animals, the signs and symptoms of parasitic infections, and the methods used to diagnose and treat them.

In basic veterinary parasitology, students learn about various parasites' life cycles and transmission, including their intermediate and definitive biology and behavior. Basic veterinary parasitology is essential for veterinarians, veterinarians, and other animal health professionals to prevent, diagnose, and treat parasitic infections in animals, which can significantly impact animal health, productivity, and public health.

This course is carried out through lectures, practicums, discussions in small groups (SGD), and assignments. According to the learning material, small group discussions (SGD) discuss a case. Assessment is carried out through UAS, UTS, Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations, Practicum (pre-test & post-test), Responses, and case discussions (SGD) activities.

Pekerti - Patologi Umum (2)

General pathology is a broad and complex scientific field that helps to understand the mechanisms of injury to cells and tissues, as well as the body’s means of responding to and repairing injury. Areas of study include cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis, inflammation, wound healing, and neoplasia. It forms the foundation of pathology, the application of this knowledge to diagnose diseases in humans and animals.

Sosioentrepreneurship Veteriner [Pekerti Batch 3]

Mata kuliah sosio-entrepreneurship veteriner adalah mata kuliah pilihan di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dengan bobot SKS 2/0. Mata kuliah ini meliputi beberapa topik bahasan yang terkait dengan dunia entrepreneurship (character building, leadership, job delivery, communication, networking, and management). Mata kuliah tersebut diberikan untuk memperkaya wawasan mahasiswa dalam menumbuhkembangkan pola pikir, sikap, dan perilaku inovatif, kolaboratif, kewirausahaan dan menjadi problem solver yang berjiwa sosio- entrepreneurship di bidang veteriner. Mata kuliah ini dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip merdeka belajar terarah bekerjasama dengan dosen mitra/ praktisi dari berbagai sektor di bidang veteriner.