“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” (Benjamin Franklin). This saying emphasizes the essential of planning in many aspects of our life, including business. Managers and/or business owners need to plan every aspect and function of their venture, translating their strategies in a comprehensive written workable document. Business plan serves as a “roadmap” that sheds light on the future direction of the venture. It is an important tool to convince and attract potential investors and other stakeholders about the business viability. This course is designed to help students understand basic concepts of business plan, and how to write and present it effectively.
This course adopts learning-focused teaching with flipped classroom approach. Learning-focused teaching means that students’ learning process is paramount and developed through open discussion and critical thinking rather than one-way lecture. In the flipped classroom environment, students are expected to prepare themselves prior to the class discussion. Whilst selected topics and readings are offered to trigger the class discussions, students are welcome to bring and discuss their own materials beyond what has been suggested in this syllabus. This way, students are responsible for their own learning. They are the center of knowledge that is (re)constructed together with the lecturer acting as a pure facilitator.Teacher: Rina Herani