Statistics 2

This is the course page for Statistics 2 (IUP and Regular).

Statistics 2 is the second part of a two-part statistics course for economics and business students. While Statistics 1 mainly deals with descriptive statistics, such as collecting, analyzing, and presenting data, Statistics 2 is focused on statistical inference using statistic-mathematical approach. Students will learn how to make an estimate, a prediction, a decision, or a generalization about the population based on information contained in sample. This course will start with fundamental probability theory, before students learn about sampling distributions, point estimation, interval estimation, and ultimately hypothesis testing. The course will also discuss three important topics used extensively in the industry: nonparametric testing, linear regression models, and design of experiments. Las but not least, tutorials in mathematic-statistical programming and software (Stata, R) will be held in order to apply the theories learned from class. The knowledge acquired from this course should serve as a basis for further studies in statistic-mathematical tools-oriented courses, notably Econometrics.