International Collaborative Studio 2024

This elective course is a collaborative course involving the University of Western Australia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Brawijaya, and Institut Teknologi Bandung. It aims to facilitate students in enhancing their skills to do collaborative design projects in digital platforms. The class is conducted online and fully implements Problem-based Learning (PBL). 

There are three main course learning outcomes attached to the course, which are:

  1. ICS#1: Compose building components to form building design as a whole integrated system (SPC-01).
  2. ICS#2: Configure and present building components as one integrated formal composition based on the principles of architectural aesthetics, mainly in the context of geometric orders, compositional principles, materials, and tectonic expressions (SPC-07, SPC-08).
  3. ICS#3: Configure and present building components as one integrated spatial composition based on the understanding of human spatial needs and movements while considering aspects such as geometric orders, compositional principles, scale and proportion, and context (SPC-07, SPC-08).