A number of courses at the Faculty of Geography are structured in such a way that they are always accompanied by practical activities. It is anticipated that the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical application will facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter for the students. The basic cartography course is a mandatory component of the curriculum for all students in the faculty of geography. Such an emphasis on the role of maps as cartographic products is justifiable, given that these will later become a defining feature of geographical research, serving as one of the primary research instruments.
The objective of this practicum manual is to provide students with a variety of skills that can be utilised in conjunction with the lecture material. The material covered in the entire practicum comprises the fundamental principles of cartography, which are essential for mapmakers and readers alike. It is therefore not feasible to include all matters related to the field of cartography as topics in this practicum. Further topics will be addressed in subsequent courses, which will concentrate on more specialised aspects. It should be noted that this manual serves as a technical guide and is therefore intended for use in conjunction with other resources, such as those available in the library or other relevant sources.
The subject of digital maps will be addressed in this introductory cartography text, albeit in a cursory manner. This approach is adopted in order to facilitate adaptation to evolving map making technology, while also ensuring that the content of the practicum does not become overly aligned with that of the subsequent semester. The majority of the practicum activities utilising digital maps will entail introductory level content, with further exploration conducted in other practicum subjects. It is expected that the textbook will continue to evolve in accordance with advancements in cartographic science. We would like to express our gratitude to the previous drafting team and all those who have provided invaluable support in the preparation of this practicum manual. We encourage students to contribute their input, criticism and suggestions at the conclusion of the practicum activities for the advancement of basic cartography practicum.Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Science
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Science (GEGL222212) is a compulsory course for first-year students at the Faculty of Geography UGM. This course is a basic course that aims to support several advanced courses in Geography and Environmental Science Study Program, including Hydrometeorology and Tropical Climate courses. This course discusses radiation, air temperature and humidity; air pressure, air masses, fronts and winds; hydrological cycle and water balance; precipitation and rainfall area; evaporation and evapotranspiration, climate classification; surface water; groundwater, lakes and water quality. This course is divided into four regular classes and one IUP class which is carried out in parallel with a team teaching system (different lecturers). The learning methods and assessment methods used are the same for all classes. The method used in the learning process is a combination of lectures, discussions and assignments using contextual and collaborative learning methods.
Remote Sensing IUP
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