Block Quality Assurance and Programme Evaluation
This block covers three different but related concepts: Quality Assurance, Programme Evaluation and Faculty Development Programme. Programme evaluation can be seen as part of quality assurance processes. The first week is dedicated to study the quality assurance concepts and practices. During the first week, concepts of standards, quality, quality in medical and health profession education, as well as concept and principles of quality assurance and total quality management will be explored. After mastering the basic concepts of QA, the discussion will be focused on establishing an internal quality assurance system. The second week will be more focused on the programme evaluation and faculty development programmes, covering various models.
Quality in higher education in general and quality in medical and health profession education in particular is not a simple one-dimensional concept , it is more a multi-dimensional concept. This is due to the fact that medical and health profession educations involve many stakeholders. Each stakeholer has their own view of quality. Various definitions of quality will be discussed. One principle in QA is the cycle of plan-do-check-act.
Faculty Development Programs aim to improve the quality of medical education by training and sensitizing teachers about new concepts in teaching and assessment methods; develop knowledge and clinical skills required for performing the role of competent and effective teachers, administrators, researchers and mentors; assist clinicians to acquire competency in communication and behavioral skills and update knowledge using modern information and research methodology tools
Evaluating the educational programmes were
developed earlier than the concept of quality assurance. Evaluation is defined
as giving judgement or worth or value to activities. To be able to do
evaluation valid and reliable data are required. Hence, the research methods
are applied.
In addition to mastering the concepts of quality assurance, programme evaluation and faculty development, students will also be equipped with soft skills that will be needed when they have to take lead in their own institutions. The soft skills that will be learned include perseverance and resilience, agility and critical thinking.