English Children's Literature
Matakuliah ini membahas karya-karya sastra anak berbahasa Inggris dan
mengeksplorasi berbagai genre karya sastra anak, mulai dari novel-novel kontemporer,
novel klasik, fiksi sejarah, fiksi realistis, sampai pada cerita rakyat, dongeng-dongeng
dan nyanyian anak (children’s rhyme). Pada akhir semester, mahasiswa diharapkan
akan mampu menganalisis dan mengartikulasikan hasil interpretasi mereka terhadap
berbagai makna teks yang dibaca, dengan referensi khusus pada konteks yang relevan
mengenai karya-karya sastra anak berbahasa Inggris.
English Children's Literature
In this course, we'll explore the essence of Children's Literature, its history, diverse book formats and genres like nursery rhymes, folktales, classics, and picture books. Through engaging discussions and activities, we'll develop analytical skills to uncover hidden meanings and cultural influences in these tales. As a highlight, you'll have the opportunity to create a video project, immersing yourself in a chosen children's literary work.
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
MK ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkenalkan pengetahuan yang bersifat umum tentang Sosiolinguistik, yaitu bagaimana pemakaian unsur-unsur kebahasaan terpengaruh oleh faktor-faktor sosial, bagaimana variabel linguistik tertentu memiliki keterkaitan dengan rumusan aturan gramar yang bersifat khusus dalam suatu bahasa atau dialek, serta proses-proses yang memicu perubahan bahasa.
Language and Literary Production
Language and Literary Production is a compulsory course for first-year students of the English Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The course is designed to help students to practice and expose themselves to English. The course presents various art performances/projects and their combinations for the students to select. Students are then required to choose any type of performance/project to perform at the end of the semester.
Listening and Speaking II
This course builds on and enhances the skills learned in Listening and Speaking 1. By
enhancing the students' speaking and listening skills, the course will help them to cope with
English in less formal situations both at work and socially, gain confidence when listening to
naturally spoken English, and be more able to respond to it. In addition, the students are
encouraged to expand their range of useful idioms, slang colloquial expressions, and
practice these through discussions and role-plays.
Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Asing
Selamat datang di mata kuliah Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Asing.
Di mata kuliah Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Asing ini kita akan membahas berbagai prinsip dalam pengajaran bahasa asing yang meliputi pendekatan, metode, dan teknik. Mahasiswa juga akan mempelajari pengajaran tata bahasa, kosakata, dan keterampilan reseptif serta produktif. Mahasiswa juga akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan dalam menyusun lesson plan, pengembangan bahan ajar dan manajemen kelas. Di kelas ini mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pengalaman menjadi pengajar bahasa asing di kelas dan mempraktikan teori-teori yang dipelajari dalam pengajaran bahasa asing. Selamat bergabung!
Reading and Writing III: Argumentation (Class A)
Reading and Writing III: Argumentation is designed for high-intermediate and advanced students of English Department. It attempts to improve students’ reading skills and strategies as well as essay-writing skills. Students will learn reading skills and strategies such as previewing the topic and vocabulary, identifying the topic and main idea, skimming and scanning for the topic and main idea, getting meaning from context, and understanding the detailed information in the reading materials. Those skills are expected to stimulate students’ critical thinking and to enrich students’ academic vocabulary. Students will also learn the basics of essay writing particularly on how to write a good argumentative essay. The writing tasks and activities in this course are designed to help students become competent and independent writers by engaging them in the process of writing and by encouraging them to explore and organize their ideas in argumentative essays.