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Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat
Evaluasi kemajuan pendidikan dilaksanakan oleh pengelola program studi sesuai dengan tahapan pendidikan, dalam hal ini yang dimaksud adalah Ujikan Akhir/Kenaikan Semester untuk peserta didik semester I-VI.
Syarat ujian adalah
1) Sudah menyelesaikan tugas kurikulum
2) Sudah menyelesaikan tugas ilmiah
3) Sudah menyelesaikan administrasi
4) Sudah mendapatkan persetujuan mengikuti ujian lokal oleh KPS
Ujian Akhir/Kenaikan Semester (untuk semester I-VI), terdiri dari :
a) Ujian tertulis
b) Ujian praktikum
c) Ujian ketrampilan diagnostik sesuai tahapan pendidikan
Ujian UAS Online Statistika D - Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Mata Kuliah | : | STATISTIKA - D | |
Kode Matakuliah | : | PTU 1008 | |
Hari / Tanggal | : | Rabu, 13 Mei 2020 | |
Tempat | : | Online Elok UGM ( | |
Sifat Ujian | : | Online dengan waktu terbatas | |
Dosen Pengampu | : | Galuh Adi Insani, S.Pt., M.Sc. | |
Pengerjaan serentak pada tanggal yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu : Hari dan Tanggal : Rabu, 13 Mei 2020; Pukul 08:00 s/d 09:30 WIB (sebaiknya sudah login maksimal 15 menit sebelum ujian dimulai)
Pada jam yang sudah ditentukan, jika soal belum muncul, silahkan refresh browser Anda atau buka link berikut :
Ujian UTS Online Statistika D - Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Mata Kuliah | : | STATISTIKA - D | |
Kode Matakuliah | : | PTU 1008 | |
Hari / Tanggal | : | Selasa, 7 April 2020 | |
Tempat | : | Online Elok UGM ( | |
Sifat Ujian | : | Online dengan waktu terbatas | |
Dosen Pengampu | : | Galuh Adi Insani, S.Pt., M.Sc. | |
Keterangan soal akan muncul dibawah ini pada tanggal 1 April s/d 11 April 2020
Pengerjaan serentak pada tanggal yang sudah ditetapkan yaitu : Hari dan Tanggal : Selasa, 7 April 2020; Pukul 08:00 s/d 09:30 WIB (sebaiknya sudah login maksimal 15 menit sebelum ujian dimulai)
Pada jam yang sudah ditentukan, jika soal belum muncul, silahkan refresh browser Anda atau buka link berikut :
Undergraduate Thesis Writing
The module contains units to improve students' writing skill, especially in preparing for their Undergraduate Thesis Writing. The units include parts of the Final Project Report, writing statement of the problems and scope of discussion, writing Final Project proposal, and quoting and citing sources and references to avoid plagiarism. Each unit is completed with exercises and projects to measure students' understanding. After taking this course, students are expected to be able to write the first and second chapter of their Final Project.
V3MI3108 - Praktikum Sistem Instrumentasi Berbasis Mikroprosesor
Veterinary Leadership
MK untuk peningkatan soft skill mahasiswa FKH UGM
WAFERS Summer Course
WAFERS summer course 2021 raises the challenges from three nexus of water, food and energy for young engineers. This virtual course will give students a broader perspective on water-food-energy (WAFERS) issues as well as offering a number of solutions such as changing consumer behaviour as well as adopting suitable technology to tackle numerous environmental problems. The WAFERS summer course is organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Office of International Affairs (OIA) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. This course is equivalent to 3 credit semesters which is applicable for undergraduate and master students. The learning outcome of this course is:
- Students should be able to analyze the current global problems of water-food-energy as well as to propose a suitable solution to tackle those problems.
- Students should be able to choose appropriate technology based on physical or chemical treatments as well as biotechnology to solve the current problem of water-food-energy.
- Students should understand the role of community involvement to apply suitable technologies to achieve the SDGs related to water-food-energy issues.
- Students should be able to formulate the environmental challenges in their home country as well as to identify the concrete steps to find solutions both from technology and society aspects.
WAFERS Summer Course 2022
WAFERS summer course 2022 raises the challenges from three nexus of water, food and energy for young engineers. This virtual course will give students a broader perspective on water-food-energy (WAFERS) issues as well as offering a number of solutions such as changing consumer behaviour as well as adopting suitable technology to tackle numerous environmental problems. The WAFERS summer course is organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Office of International Affairs (OIA) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. This course is equivalent to 3 credit semesters which is applicable for undergraduate and master students. The learning outcome of this course is:
- Students should be able to analyze the current global problems of water-food-energy as well as to propose a suitable solution to tackle those problems.
- Students should be able to choose appropriate technology based on physical or chemical treatments as well as biotechnology to solve the current problem of water-food-energy.
- Students should understand the role of community involvement to apply suitable technologies to achieve the SDGs related to water-food-energy issues.
- Students should be able to formulate the environmental challenges in their home country as well as to identify the concrete steps to find solutions both from technology and society aspects.
Workshop Geodinamika
Salah satu program KBK Geodinamika Teknik Geodesi yang memberikan kemampuan pemrograman baik untuk pengolahan, analisis dan visualisasi data Geodesi untuk Geodinamika. Program ini memfasilitasi anggota mahasiswa KBK Geodinamika sebelum terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan internal KBK. Tema workshop meliputi
1. UNIX & Bash Environment
2. Pengolahan data GNSS saintifik menggunakan GAMIT/GLOBK dan GIPSYX
3. Pengolahan data InSAR menggunakan GMT SAR
4. Manajemen Penelitian
5. Pembuatan peta berbasis perangkat lunak open source Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)
6. Pemodelan dan analisis data geodetik menggunakan MATLAB atau PYTHON
7. Membiasakan diri dengan kode atau library pemrograman yang biasa digunakan dalam studi geodinamika seperti pemodelan strain-stress, tsunami, dan deformasi
Zoologi Pertanian
Kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang prinsip-prinsip dan konsep-konsep ilmu binatang (zoologi) di ekosistem pertanian. Kuliah dibagi menjadi empat bagian, yaitu (1) pengantar: prinsip dan konsep dasar tentang bioekologi, peran, dan fungsi binatang di ekosistem pertanian, (2) penggolongan binatang yang ditemukan pada ekosistem pertanian, (3) konsep dinamika populasi dan faktor yang berperan, dan (4) pengelolaan berkelanjutan binatang yang ditemukan di ekosistem pertanian.
Tujuan akademik dan kompetensi
Mahasiswa memahami konsep dan prinsip dasar zoologi, peran dan fungsi binatang yang ditemukan di ekosistem pertanian, dan strategi untuk mengelola populasi binatang baik yang menguntungkan maupun merugikan yang serasi dengan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan.
Dosen Pengampu
Dr. Ir. Arman Wijonarko, M.Sc. (AW)
Dr. Ir. Alan Soffan, M.Sc. (AS)
Rencana Topik Pengajaran Per minggu