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Blok RPL 1.2 berfokus pada pemenuhan kebutuhan aktivitas dan keseimbangan energi. Tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran di blok RPL 1.2 adalah mahasiswa mampu memahami respon fisiologis tubuh yang berkaitan dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan istirahat dan tidur, aktifitas dan latihan serta keseimbangan energi pada siklus kehidupan baik di rumah, masyarakat maupun rumah sakit. Mahasiswa dalam blok ini juga mempelajari ilmu-ilmu biomedik yang meliputi fisiologi, anatomi, dan farmakologi. Diskusi tutorial menjadi salah satu metode pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan semua ilmu. Selain itu telusur evidence terkait istirahat tidur, aktivitas latihan dan keseimbangan energi juga menjadi capaian pembelajaran dalam blok ini.
Kegiatan belajar mahasiswa berorientasi pada pencapaian kemampuan berfikir sistematis, komprehensif dan kritis dalam mengaplikasikan konsep physical activity and energy balance serta mengembangkan sikap profesional (pengembangan soft skills) melalui beberapa metode belajar seperti PBL, Case Based Learning, Team Project Based Learning. Bentuk aktivitas pembelajaran pada blok ini adalah kuliah pakar interaktif, seminar, diskusi kelompok kecil dengan seven jumps method, studi kasus, demonstrasi, dan penugasan, menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran SCL (Student Centered Learning).
Evaluasi dilakukan untuk menilai pencapaian pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan evaluasi formatif dan sumatif yang terdiri dari evaluasi proses dan ujian akhir blok.Blok RPL 2.1 Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
RPL 2.1 Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
Botani Ekonomi
Kode : BISB211411
SKS : 2 – 1
Matakuliah Botani Ekonomi diadakan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa untuk menunjang penelitian baik berupa seminar, skripsi, thesis atau disertasi berhubungan dengan tanaman yang mempunyai nilai atau potensi ekonomis tertentu. Botani Ekonomi bertujuan untuk mempelajari teori dan konsep terkait dengan struktur dalam organ tanaman dari berbagai familia mencakup kegunaan bagi manusia secara ekonomi baik bidang pangan/pakan, obat herbal, maupun produk industri lainnya. Selain hal tersebut, Botani Ekonomi khusus mempelajari karakter morfo-anatomis organ spesifik tanaman yang termasuk beberapa anggota familia : Poaceae, Zingiberaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae-Lamiaceae, Apiaceae, Myrtaceae, Punicaceae, Malvaceae, Bombaceae, Lauraceae, Myristicaceae, Fabaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Guttiferae, Equisetaceae-Cucurbitaceae-Guttiferae, dan Palmae.
course introduces descriptive and normative ethical principles and their
application to individual behaviour and the business environment. This course
is designed to discuss various factors that influence managerial
decision-making involving ethical issues. This course also equips students
to understand ethical
principles or norms
and provides insight
into socially and morally
acceptable alternatives to business issues.
CALCULUS II - MMM1102 - FMIPA - UMH - 2024
In mathematics, an integral assigns numbers to functions in a way that describes displacement, area, volume, and other concepts that arise by combining infinitesimal data. The process of finding integrals is called integration. Along with differentiation, integration is a fundamental, essential operation of calculus,[a] and serves as a tool to solve problems in mathematics and physics involving the area of an arbitrary shape, the length of a curve, and the volume of a solid, among others.
The integrals enumerated here are those termed definite integrals, which can be interpreted as the signed area of the region in the plane that is bounded by the graph of a given function between two points in the real line. Conventionally, areas above the horizontal axis of the plane are positive while areas below are negative. Integrals also refer to the concept of an antiderivative, a function whose derivative is the given function. In this case, they are called indefinite integrals. The fundamental theorem of calculus relates definite integrals with differentiation and provides a method to compute the definite integral of a function when its antiderivative is known.
After completing this course the students should have:
1. ability to solve indefinite integral problems with suitable methods (CO1).
2. ability to determine the integral value of a function on the interval [a, b] by using the definition of the definite integral (CO2).
3. ability to use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Change of the variable method in integration (CO3).
4. ability to characterize and solve the improper integral (CO4).
5. ability to apply the definite integral to determine the area, the volume of solids of revolution, arc length, area of a surface of solids of revolution, center of mass, and moment of inertia (CO5).
Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik
Mata kuliah Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) berisi tentang CPOB yang dinamis, pembuatan obat yang memenuhi syarat dengan mengacu pada sistem mutu, personalia, bangunan dan fasilitas, peralatan, produksi, cara penyimpanan dan pengiriman obat yang baik, pengawasan mutu, inspeksi diri, penanganan keluhan dan penarikan produk, dokumentasi, kegiatan alih daya (pembuatan berdasarkan kontrak), serta kualifikasi dan validasi.
A number of courses at the Faculty of Geography are structured in such a way that they are always accompanied by practical activities. It is anticipated that the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical application will facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter for the students. The basic cartography course is a mandatory component of the curriculum for all students in the faculty of geography. Such an emphasis on the role of maps as cartographic products is justifiable, given that these will later become a defining feature of geographical research, serving as one of the primary research instruments.
The objective of this practicum manual is to provide students with a variety of skills that can be utilised in conjunction with the lecture material. The material covered in the entire practicum comprises the fundamental principles of cartography, which are essential for mapmakers and readers alike. It is therefore not feasible to include all matters related to the field of cartography as topics in this practicum. Further topics will be addressed in subsequent courses, which will concentrate on more specialised aspects. It should be noted that this manual serves as a technical guide and is therefore intended for use in conjunction with other resources, such as those available in the library or other relevant sources.
The subject of digital maps will be addressed in this introductory cartography text, albeit in a cursory manner. This approach is adopted in order to facilitate adaptation to evolving map making technology, while also ensuring that the content of the practicum does not become overly aligned with that of the subsequent semester. The majority of the practicum activities utilising digital maps will entail introductory level content, with further exploration conducted in other practicum subjects. It is expected that the textbook will continue to evolve in accordance with advancements in cartographic science. We would like to express our gratitude to the previous drafting team and all those who have provided invaluable support in the preparation of this practicum manual. We encourage students to contribute their input, criticism and suggestions at the conclusion of the practicum activities for the advancement of basic cartography practicum.Class Assistant Talent Pool (CATP) 2024
Class Assistant Talent Pool (CATP) 2024 merupakan course yang berisi materi-materi mengenai asistensi kelas atau pembelajaran mata kuliah di Fakultas Psikologi yang ditujukan bagi calon asisten mata kuliah program studi S1, Profesi, maupun S2 Fakultas Psikologi UGM. Diharapkan para calon asisten kelas dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dan kompetensi asistensi setelah menyelesaikan course ini.
Clinical Psychology
This is a foundational clinical psychology course that explores the fundamental
concepts of clinical psychology, basic theories, clinical psychology applications in
psychology practice, and the advantages of clinical psychology in everyday life. This
course will provide an overview of clinical psychology's conceptual framework, as well
as an introduction to assessment, diagnosis, and intervention in mental health
disorders. Additionally, this course emphasizes science, research methodologies, and
research in the field of clinical psychology, which serves as the foundation for clinical
psychology practice (scientist-practitioner). Additionally, this course will cover how to
become a clinical psychologist, professional difficulties, and how to be critical of
contemporary clinical psychology topics.
Clinical Psychology Even Semester 2020/2021
This is a basic course in clinical psychology that examines the fundamental understanding of the field of clinical psychology: basic theory, applications in psychological practice, and its benefits in life. This course will introduce a conceptual approach to clinical psychology, an introduction to the assessment, diagnosis, and intervention of mental health problems. This subject also focuses on science, research methods and research in the field of clinical psychology, which form the basis of clinical psychology practice (scientist practitioner). In addition, this course will provide knowledge on how to become a clinical psychologist as well as professional issues, as well as how to be critical about current issues in the field of clinical psychology.
College Life 2020/2021 - Reguler
Pelatihan ini diadakan untuk membekali mahasiswa baru dengan skills yang bermanfaat dalam melancarkan proses pembelajaran di kelas.
Computer Architecture
In computer engineering, computer architecture is a description of the structure of a computer system made from component parts. It can sometimes be a high-level description that ignores details of the implementation.[At a more detailed level, the description may include the instruction set architecture design, microarchitecture design, logic design, and implementation.
Conflict Resolution IUP-PSY4118
Consumer Behavior (AI3)
Consumer Behavior is a course describing a conceptual framework of consumer behaviour and other various issues related to the applications of specific theories of basic sciences such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, microeconomics and communication. Consumer behavior focuses on purchase and use behavior, or decision making process in purchase and use. This process is influenced by various factors which can be classified as: (1) external to consumers such as reference group, family, social class, culture and sub-culture; and (2) internal to consumers such as motivation, personality, perception, learning, and attitudes. Analysis of those factors impacting on consumer behavior is a necessary basis in developing marketing strategy especially related to market segmentation, product positioning, and marketing communication. Any marketing activities must start from the analysis of consumer behavior since marketers’ survival depends on the consumers. This is perceived as a central issue in marketing.
Contoh Course PPSMB 2022
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