Search results: 1220
Psychology of Communication IUP 2024
The course is a basic level course, studying mental and behavioral function of human in communication. Subjects in this course are divided into four subject matters: intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, intragroup communication, public, mass, and cultural communication. The learning method used in this course is active learning. Students in groups discuss about the subject matter and sub-subject matter accompanied by lecturer. Students then use their understanding about psychology of communication to analyze issues regarding communication in everyday life.
After finishing this course, students are expected to be able to explain the principles of intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and public communication. In addition, students are also expected to be able to apply psychology of communication theories that have been learned to identify issues regarding communication in everyday life. Evaluation is based on how students participate actively in class discussion, assignments, mid-term exam, and final exam.
Psychology of Disaster and Crisis (IUP Exchange 2024)
This course focuses on the intersection between psychology, disasters, and crisis, particularly understanding human cognition, mental, and behavioural processes throughout the overall disaster cycle (pre, during, and after disaster). Drawing from both global research discourse and local practices of psychology of disasters and crisis, students will scrutinize psychological preparedness, responses, and the recovery process of those affected by disasters, including principles of Psychological First Aid. This course will particularly examine the vulnerability and potential agency of community, including the most at-risk groups such as children, women, people with disabilities and older persons in building disaster preparedness, psychosocial, and mental health management, drawing on best practices examples in Indonesia.
Psychology of Emotion (2024)
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive, biological, and social foundation of emotion, emotional measurement, emotional-based intervention, and other contemporary issues in real life. Emotion is a complex psychological construct and can be operated on the conscious and unconscious levels. This course further strengthens the scientific psychological, and biological foundations of emotion while seeking an explanation of some emotional-based interventions that are currently happening in society, such as mindfulness practices.
Psychology of Emotion: Above & Beyond Cognition (2023)
Psychology of Emotion: Above and Beyond Cognition (Advanced Level) course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the cognitive, biological, and cultural foundation of emotion, emotional measurement, emotional-based intervention, and other contemporary issues in more practical settings.
Emotion is a complex psychological construct and can be operated on the conscious and unconscious levels. This course further strengthens the scientific psychological, and biological foundations of emotion while seeking an explanation of some emotional-based interventions that are currently happening in society, such as mindfulness practices.
This course activities include: (i) lectures/seminars, (ii) mini-research, (iii) group presentation and (iv) field trip/mini-workshop. The material in this course will be delivered in an attractive and easy-to-understand way; one of the methods is using case-study to stimulate critical thinking. Group discussion and presentation are also part of courses activities that enable students to exercise teamwork and interpersonal skills. Students will be assigned to a mini-research in which they will practice how to measure emotional responses or investigate the emotional phenomena in society.
Psychology of Internet Even 2022
As a novel field of research based on, adding to, and extending from
other psychological disciplines such as social psychology, cognitive
psychology, and developmental psychology, Psychology of the Internet
facilitates students to learn and explain how emerging computer technologies,
particularly the Internet, is influencing all individuals’ behavior and lives.
Students will explore a wide range of topics with an emphasis on understanding
the fundamental concepts of Psychology of Internet and the implications of this
knowledge for improving our well-being in the digital age.
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari tentang seminar dan jenis-jenis pertemuan ilmiah, lokakarya,
pelatihan, seminar, simposium, diskusi panel, rapat, konggres, summit, konferensi, komunikasi
efektif dan presentasi ilmiah. Komunikasi efektif; presentasi ilmiah dan teknik berseminar,
etika seminar dan teknik pembuatan makalah.
Pada seminar ini mahasiswa mempresentasikan proposal atau hasil penelitian yang telah
dikonsultasikan dengan pembimbing skripsi. Penyelenggaran seminar dikelola paralel oleh
pengelola minat studi.
Public Budgeting
This course is intended to provide theoretical foundations, analysis, and technical skills related to fiscal policy and public budgeting. Students are expected to have taken pre-requisites courses of Public Sector Economics, Public Policy and other elective courses such as Issues in Decentralization Policy, all of which would be relevant to this subject. References for these courses are equally important to take the subject of Public Budgeting. Cases and examples are taken from Indonesia and mostly developing countries.
There are three important things that affect public budgeting in Indonesia today: 1) political mechanism in making fiscal policy, 2) decentralization policy, and 3) effectiveness of public spending to improve people's welfare. The first two constitutes the logical consequences the more democratic political system. Public budgeting policy is no longer the monopoly of the government, but must also involve legislative elements and other political forces. Meanwhile, in line with the decentralization policy, the format of the budget policy at central and local levels is now experiencing changes so requires an understanding of the political and economic issues that are complex. Furthermore, the purpose of budgetary policy to improve people’s welfare shall be accomplished in accordance with the demands of a modern system of public administration and responsive.
Public Sector Ethics and Accountability
In this course, students will be exposed to the contemporary concepts of ethics and accountability, why it is fundamental for modern public administration, and how everybody who works in the public organizations be held accountable. Public values would be optimized under democratic system of governance only if all the individuals understand the equal importance of performance and accountability. Therefore, it is imperative for policy makers and bureaucrats to understand logical links among the principles of democracy, good governance, ethics and accountability and consistently apply such principles accordingly.
Various discourses of ethics and forms of accountability that are explained in literature are to be discussed with actual cases, and students are expected to individually collect relevant materials and actively participate in class discussions. Common accountability aspects, i.e. political, administrative, legal and financial, are to be discussed within a context of (especially but not limited to) developing countries. In order to understand the actual issues in Indonesia, government acts and regulations pertinent to the accountability system will be critically analyzed. Students are encouraged to comment and to examine such policy instruments. It is expected that accountability values are not only understood but also reliably applied within the public organizations at all levels.
Pembelajaran dalam blok 1 ini mengajak mahasiswa untuk memasuki dunia baru, dimana paradigma pelayanan kesehatan telah berubah sejak sepuluh tahun terakhir. Perubahan paradigma ini dipacu oleh implementasi era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Tantangan rumah sakit menjadi sangat besar. Era ini menuntut adanya antisipasi yang kuat dari rumah sakit, meskipun dengan keterbatasan sumber daya yang ada.
Pasien merupakan pusat dari proses pelayanan kesehatan. Oleh karena itu, patient safety menjadi fokus penting di dalam blok 1 ini. Patient safety concept tidak hanya mengajarkan bahwa selama dilayani di rumah sakit, pasien harus aman dan selamat, namun juga perlu didukung oleh sistem yang menjamin keselamatan pasien. Sistem ini melibatkan tidak hanya pasien dan tenaga kesehatan, namun juga safety terhadap fasilitas hingga lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, prinsip kehati-hatian di dalam pelaksanaan atau penatalaksanaan penyakit secara komprehensif menjadi sangat penting.
Gambar 1. Patient Safety Concept dan Sistem yang Mendukungnya
Di blok 1 ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat berpola piker tidak hanya mengedepankan inward looking, tetapi juga outward looking. Mahasiswa diharapkan tidak hanya dapat mengantisipasi apa yang sedang terjadi secara global maupun lokal, namun kita juga harus mampu mengantisipasi dinamika apa saja yang dapat terjadi di masa depan terkait dengan patient safety.
Patient safety dan medical error, apabila kita cermati, hanyalah tip of the iceberg. Yang terlihat pada keseharian dalam pengelolaan rumah sakit hanya sebagian kecil dari medical error yang sebenarnya. Di blok 1 ini, mahasiswa akan mendalami apa yang ada di bawahnya, bagaimana mahasiswa menyelami, mengidentifikasi, sekaligus mendorong kita sebagai tenaga kesehatan untuk piawai mencegah risiko akan tindakan medik yang tidak appropriate.
Gambar 2. Medical Error dan Konsep Tip of The Iceberg
Mahasiswa juga akan diajarkan bagaimana menggunakan paradigma baru pengelolaan rumah sakit yang sehat, yang akuntabel, baik, inovatif, yang kedepannya akan bermanfaat untuk mengantisipasi setiap tantangan. Sikap utama yang ditekankan pada blok 1 ini adalah bagaimana mahasiswa tidak mudah mengeluh, karena keluhan itu adalah sumber dari kegagalan. Oleh karena itu, di blok 1 ini, pengelola akan memberikan dan membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami bagaimana bersikap sebagai calon direktur rumah sakit atau pengelola rumah sakit yang baik. Yang melindungi pasien, serta melindungi segenap aset yang ada di rumah sakit.
- AHRQ Quality Indicators. Guide to Patient Safety Indicators. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2003. AHRQ Pub.03-R203.
- Departemen Kesehatan. Panduan Nasional Komite Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit (Patient Safety): Utamakan Keselamatan Pasien. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan; 2006.
- Handout blok 1
- Institute of Medicine. Crossing the Quality Chasm: a new health system for the 21st century. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 2001
- Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS (eds). To err is human: building a safer health system. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1999.
- Lipnack Jessica & Jeffrey Stamps. The Age of Network: Organizing Principles for the 21st Century. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994
- Mulyadi, Setiawan J, Sistem Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Manajemen, Jakarta: Salemba Empat; 2001
- Snyder NH., Dowd JD Jr., Houghton DM. Vision, Values, and Courage: Leadership for Quality Management. New York: The Free Press, 1994
- Stan D and Meyer C. Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy. Readings: Perseus Books, 1998
- Trisnantoro L. Aspek Strategis dalam Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset; 2005
- WHO. Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005-2006, Geneva: WHO; 2005
- WHO. World Alliance for Patient Safety: forward programme 2005. Geneva: WHO; 2004.
Sumber belajar lain:
- AHRQ Patient Safety Network :
- Safer Healthcare :
- Safer Healthcarenow :
- Australian Commision on Safety and Quality in Health care:
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement :
- WHO Patient Safety :
- National Patient Safety Foundation (U.S) :
- Badan mutu pelayanan kesehatan DIY:
- Indonesian Healthcare Quality Network :