Search results: 1219
Nekropsi Veteriner
To have to understand the perspective of veterinary necropsy/forensic pathology and its role in death investigation and be able to independently examine and report macroscopic and microscopic findings at post-mortem examination of all types of coroners’ cases
To have ability to integrate subjective (ie, history) and objective (ie, post-mortem findings and laboratory investigation results) information about the death cases of animal, and provide a well-balanced opinion to courts, coroners and authorised investigators
Have a skill to make a preparation and equipment, prosection and necropsy techniques in various species, making a description and recording of finding, taking appropriate sample/s and preservation of tissue for various examination
Have a capacity for teamwork and well-communicate to work in necropsy and laboratory management, particularly recognising and advocating maintenance of quality and workplace health and safety procedures
Mata kuliah Neurobehaviour merupakan mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa Program
Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Program Studi Neurologi. Mata kuliah Neurobehaviour merupakan
program yang dirancang untuk mempersiapkan calon Spesialis Saraf mencapai
kemampuan yang ditetapkan dan didasari oleh pengetahuan, ketrampilan maupun
perilaku yang mencukupi dalam bidang Neurobehavior agar kelak dapat
melaksanakan deteksi dini, serta pengelolaan
dan evaluasi gangguan fungsi luhur. Mata kuliah ini membahas
mengenai berbagai
gambaran normal fungsi kognitif
(fungsi luhur) dan Neurobehavior disorders
(Organic Brain Syndromes), instrumen
neuropsikologi dan neuropsikiatri, pemeriksaan
penunjang, dan stimulasi
Neurobiologi S2 MIB Minat Histologi dan Biologi Sel
Mata kuliah Neurobiologi merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib pada Minat Histologi dan Biologi Sel Prodi S2 MIB FK-KMK UGM. Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk memperdalam pemahaman mahasiswa S2 mengenai aspek molekuler Neurobiologi. Berbagai topik yang akan dipelajari pada mata kuliah ini meliputi struktur histologi sistem saraf, potensial aksi, struktur sinaps, perkembangan sistem saraf, regenerasi dan plastisitas sistem saraf, jenis dan peran glia, dll. Selain dari kuliah, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pengkayaan dari video pembelajaran dan artikel dari jurnal ilmiah internasional.
Neuroimaging PPDS Neurologi
Mata kuliah Neuroimaging merupakan mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Saraf. Mata kuliah Neuroimaging merupakan program yang dirancang untuk mempersiapkan calon Spesialis Saraf mencapai kemampuan yang ditetapkan dalam kurikulum dan didasari oleh pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun perilaku yang mencukupi dalam bidang Neuroimaging agar kelak dapat memanfaatkan berbagai modalitas imaging untuk kepentingan membantu diagnosis dan penatalaksanaan kasus neurologi.
Mata kuliah ini terintegrasi dengan mata kuliah lain di Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Saraf karena merupakan metode diagnostik yang harus dikuasai oleh calon Spesialis Saraf. Bidang-bidang seperti neuroonkologi, neuroinfeksi, neurovaskular, nyeri, neurobehavior, epilepsi, gangguan gerak, dan bidang neurologi lainnya memerlukan pemeriksaan penunjang neuroimaging untuk diagnosisnya.
Mata kuliah ini membahas mengenai berbagai modalitas imaging yang harus diketahui, indikasi pemeriksaan imaging, cara membaca dan menginterpretasikan hasil imaging serta menghubungkannya dengan kondisi klinis yang dialami oleh pasien dengan gangguan/kelainan neurologis.Neurologi Anak IPDSA RSUP DR Sardjito FK-KMK UGM
Materi pembelajaran dalam Neurologi Anak merupakan materi yang perlu dikuasai seorang dokter spesialis anak dalam praktek sehari-hari, terutama untuk pengenalan kejang, tipe kejang, penyebab kejang dan tatalaksana, terutama kejang demam dan epilepsi. Penyakit infeksi otak seperti meningitis dan ensefalitias juga materi yang sangat penting. Penguasan materi tentang penyakit neuromuscular juga wajib untuk seorang dokter anak.
Dalam mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa akan mempelajari fenomena psikologi dan mekanisme neural yang mendasarinya. Mata kuliah ini diperuntukkan mahasiswa Program Magister Sains Fakultas Psikologi UGM
Praktik keterampilan keperawatan merupakan strategi pembelajaran untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa supaya terampil dalam melakukan komunikasi maupun tindakan keperawatan selama jenjang pendidikan sarjana dan sebelum memasuki pendidikan profesi ners. Praktek keterampilan keperawatan semester dua ini memiliki bobot 3 SKS, diberikan kepada mahasiswa Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau (RPL) tingkat 1 semester genap dengan fokus keterampilan meliputi: Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP), Pemasangan infus, Balut bidai, Manajemen Halusinasi, Perekaman EKG, dan Pemasangan Kateter. Pelaksanaan praktik keterampilan keperawatan menggunakan pendekatan Student Centered-Learning menggunakan metode bauran/blended. Kuliah pengantar keterampilan keperawatan diberikan secara daring meggunakan metode asinkron dan sinkron. Sedangkan kegiatan simulasi/praktik diberikan secara luring dengan dipandu oleh instruktrur.
One Health Approach in Long Tailed Macaque Conservation and Zoonotic Potential from Molecular and Social Perspective
Although in some places long-tailed macaques are often seen as a
nuisance to human activities, in some tourism objects, long-tailed macaques have become very important
icons. The existence of long-tailed
has been used as an attraction for tourists to visit the place. Bali and Yogyakarta are the
cities with most tourist attraction in Indonesia. In the province of Bali,
the presence of long-tailed
macaques as
a lure for tourists can be found in Uluwatu, Monkey Forest Ubud and Sangeh.
Meanwhile in Yogyakarta, the presence of long-tailed macaques in the tourist area is in Kaliurang. The existence of a herd of long-tailed macaques in tourist areas, on the
one hand, has been beneficial because it has become a tourist commodity, which improve the wealth
of the communities surrounding the areas, but on the other hand,
cautions are needed because long-tailed macaques have been reported to attack and bite visitors. In severe case, they rob
the visitors’ belongings and intimidating people especially children. The possibility of disease
transmission from monkeys to visitors is also another potential
problem arised due to the genetic similarity to humans which can transfer
zoonotic diseases (disease from animals to humans and vice versa). Thus, One Health Approach,
a transdiciplinary approach e.g. Veterinary Medicine, Anthropology (Social and
Cultural Sciences), and Natural Science (Molecular Biology), is urgently needed in Tourism Places of Bali
and Yogyakarta to protect the communal health and sustainable communities
alongside with the animals’ conservation. The course is providing the best approach of empowerment program according to the One Health Approach to
maintain the health of humans, animals, especially long-tailed macaques, and
environment. Additionally, One Health Approach is needed for the long-tailed macaques
to have good relationships with humans and maintain their sustainability as
well as maintain the Tourism Place sustainability. In this regard, changes in
behavior and treatment are mostly given to humans, both tourism managers and
visitors. This One Health approach for
sustainable tourism of healthy humans, animals, and environment can be
implemented not only in the places mentioned but also to a broader communities
across the world.
Operations and Technology Management
Technology is all around us, affecting many aspects of life, changing the way organisations manage their operations. As such, operations managers should be able to incorporate elements of technology into the process of sustainable value creation within the increasingly integrated and globally connected supply chain, allowing organisations to collaborate and achieve their sustainable competitive advantage. This course is designed to help students understand and apply concepts to respond to challenges in managing operations alongside technology in the era of digital economy. It also helps students develop their managerial capability and triggers critical thinking on how to run technology-enabled operations effectively and efficiently.
Oral English for Public Speaking
Pada mata kuliah ini
mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan komunikasi untuk ketrampilan public speaking yang mencakup
elemen dalam proses komunikasi, manajemen kecemasan dan demam panggung, teknik
mendengarkan efektif, teknik menjangkau pendengar, memilih topik, tujuan
spesifik dan menentukan ide sentral, menemukan sumber informasi, memberikan
data pendukung, menggunakan kata dan Bahasa dengan efektif, menyampaikan pidato
informatif, menyampaikan pidato persuasive, metode persuasi, menyampaikan
pidato untuk acara dan tujuan khusus, dan menyampaikan pidato secara daring.
Oral Medicine merupakan mata kuliah wajib diberikan pada semester IV. Mata Kuliah ini memberikan pengetahuan yang akan mendasari mahasiswa Program Studi Higiene Gigi (PSHG) untuk dapat menjadi mitra dokter gigi, khususnya pada upaya promotif dan preventif pada kasus-kasus di bidang penyakit mulut.
Secara garis besar materi perkuliahan meliputi identifikasi berbagai kelainan/penyakit jaringan lunak mulut dengan pendekatan etiologi dan factor predisposisi/ risiko, rekognisi manifestasi oral penyakit sistemik, serta asuhan keperawatan klien dengan berbagai kelainan jaringan lunak mulut tersebut. Pembelajaran ini dimaksudkan agar mahasiswa mampu melakukan upaya promotif dan preventif melalui edukasi yang ditujukan untuk memandirikan klien dalam mencegah, mengelola dan menghadapi tata laksana asuhan keperawatan gigi pada kasus-kasus penyakit mulut tersebut.
Mata kuliah ini bertujuan agar mahasiswa dapat mencapai kompetensi dalam menerapkan strategi promotif dan preventif melalui perilaku untuk mencegah perkembangan atau progresi penyakit gigi dan mulut klien, serta mampu melakukan asuhan keperawatan gigi dan mulut sederhana dan melakukan rujukan yang tepat.Organic Chemistry (Class C)
In this course, student will learn the molecular structures of organic compounds, the relations between the molecular structures and the macroscopic properties (chemical and physical), and various possibilities of the compound synthesis based on the characteristics of the functional groups.
Emphasis will be given on certain topics, such as molecular structure relations with its physical and chemical characteristics, comprehension on reaction mechanism based on molecular stability theory, resonance theory, and stereochemistry.
The specific characteristics of learning are descriptive and direct to analysis based on general principles about molecular stability, functional group nature, etc.
Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer 2024
The Computer Organization and Architecture course will provide a basic understanding of a system computer how it is designed to provide the basic functions needed and can be improved performance. An understanding of computer architecture and organization is necessary for computer scientists who focus on both hardware and software. To find out how to improve the performance of a computer system, it is necessary to understand the basic organization of a computer system first and how the basic operational principles of the system are. Then it is enhanced by understanding how to improve system performance through architectures that can improve system performance. System performance can be improved by increasing the performance of the units in the system, namely how to increase CPU, Memory and I/O performance. One of the most important performance improvement methods is the parallel method, for example the CPU, which originally contained a single processor (uni-core) has been upgraded to a multi-processor (multi-core). Understanding of set- instructions are very important because it is one of the basic attributes of the architecture of a computer system that distinguishes it from other systems, for example between RISC vs CISC. The main purpose of using a computer system is for data processing, so an understanding of how various data is represented and processed in computer hardware that uses basic binary data, for example, is how to represent real number data so that data processing can be done quickly and efficiently. Armed with a basic understanding of computer systems and how they are developed to improve system performance, graduates of the computer science study program are ready to face the continuing development of computer systems, so they can use them properly and can also be a part that also develops high-performance computer systems in the future.