Mata kuliah ini mempelajari teori dan konsep mengenai
morfologi yang kemudian juga dibahas aspek taksonominya, melalui konsep
sistematika tumbuhan. Konsep morfologi mempelajari struktur luar tumbuhan Angiosperma
yang terdiri dari organ akar, batang, daun, bunga, buah dan biji. Konsep
struktur luar akar mendiskusikan tentang karakteristik, fungsi, asal,
organisasi serta modifikasi akar. Pada konsep struktur luar batang, diterangkan
mengenai karakteristik, bentuk, organisasi, klasifikasi dan modifikasi batang.
Konsep morfologi daun, membahas tentang asal, posisi daun pada batang,
bagian-bagian daun, termasuk modifikasi daun. Morfologi bunga mencakup
organisasi bunga, posisi bunga pada batang, rumus dan diagram bunga. Pada buah,
akan dijelaskan tentang bagian-bagian buah
dan tipe-tipe buah. Selanjutnya pada konsep struktur luar biji, dibahas
tentang susunan dan tipe-tipe biji. Selanjutnya, konsep sistematika tumbuhan
mempelajari konsep dasar taksonomi, istilah-istilah penting (identifikasi,
deskripsi, klasifikasi, sifat dan ciri, taksonomi, sistematika, kunci
determinasi), konsep sistematika tumbuhan, konsep klasifikasi dan perkembangan
klasifikasi, tatanama dan identifikasi tumbuhan, bukti-bukti taksonomi non
molekuler dan molekuler, keanekaragaman tumbuhan vaskuler berspora
(Pteridophyta mencakup divisi Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Arthrophyta, dan
Filicophyta) dan vaskuler berbiji (Spermatophyta meliputi Gymnospermae dan
Angiospermae: Dicotyledoneae dan Monocotyledoneae), dengan menitikberatkan pada
ciri-ciri diagnostik Angiospermae yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menunjang
kegiatan pemuliaan dan budidaya di bidang pertanian.
"This course studies the theory and concept of morphology as well as in terms of taxonomy, through the concept of plant systematics. The concept of morphology studies the external structure of Angiosperm plants consisting of root organs, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. The concept of the external structure of roots discusses the characteristics, functions, origins, organization and modifications of roots. In the concept of the external structure of stems, the characteristics, shape, organization, classification and modifications of stems are explained. The concept of leaf morphology discusses the origin, position of leaves on the stem, parts of leaves, including leaf modifications. Flower morphology includes flower organization, position of flowers on the stem, flower formulas and diagrams. In fruits, the parts of the fruit and types of fruit will be explained. Furthermore, in the concept of the external structure of seeds, the arrangement and types of seeds are discussed. Furthermore, the concept of plant systematics studies the basic concepts of taxonomy, important terms (identification, description, classification, nature and characteristics, taxonomy, systematics, determination keys), the concept of plant systematics, the concept of classification and development of classification, plant nomenclature and identification, non-molecular and molecular taxonomic evidence, the diversity of vascular plants with spores (Pteridophyta includes the divisions Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Arthrophyta, and Filicophyta) and vascular plants with seeds (Spermatophyta includes Gymnospermae and Angiospermae: Dicotyledoneae and Monocotyledoneae), with an emphasis on the diagnostic characteristics of Angiospermae that can be used to support breeding and cultivation activities in the agricultural sector."