Digital Electronics IEL - Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo
Digital Electronics for International Undergraduate Program in Electronics and Instrumentations.
Along with the advancement of digital technology, the role of digital electronics is very vital. The use of digital electronics is not only in the military, industrial and communications fields but has penetrated the household world. Starting from just hobbies, household appliances, security, embedded systems and computers to security and military equipment. As the devices used in these applications are getting smaller in the future in terms of size and implementing more complex technologies. It is important for students to understand both the basic concepts and the implementation and application of the principles of digital electronics, devices and integrated circuits, thus enabling them to use the most appropriate and effective techniques according to their technical needs. This course studies basic logic gates, truth tables, AND, OR and NOT operators and their derivatives, Simplification of Boolean functions/formulations, Karnaugh map as a semi-graphical tool for simplifying Boolean functions, Quine Mc-Clusey tabulation, Simplification of POS and SOP functions, Introduction to Multiplexers, Simplification of Boolean functions with Multiplexers. Application examples on a simple combination system. Introduction to memory, various types of memory.