Post test D.1 acute poisoning dan pharmaceutical interaction

Post test Block D.1

[IUP CLASS 2022]


Before you start the practical course examination of the Block D.1, here is information you might need to know. 

The post-test is comprised by 2 different topics.  Get prepared! 

Each topic consists of 20 questions.

Type of question                : multiple choice

Total Nr. of questions       :  40

Total  duration                    : 35 minutes

                                                 (quiz will be closed 35 minutes after you

                                                 sign in whether you finish or not)

Please be careful, this link is only appear between:

Date   : 26 September 2022

Start  : *12.30* WIB

Stop   : *13.10* WIB

*) time revised.

Make sure you have a good internet connection.

Good luck, and take your time!