Dasar-Dasar Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan Sem 1 2020 Kelas A
Matakuliah ini memberikan dasar pengetahuan tentang konservasi sumberdaya hutan yang mencakup tentang pengertian, klasifikasi sumberdaya, ancaman terhadap sumberdaya, dan strategi untuk mengkonservasinya.
CPMK 1: Able to describe the components of the natural resource conservation and to explain the importance of forest resource conservation
CPMK 2: Able to describe the classification of natural resources and to explain the global and national conservation strategies
CPMK 3: Able to describe the conservation ethics and the history of conservation ideologies
CPMK 4: Able to describe the ecological and economical value of natural resources and the current global and national conservation issues.
Teacher: Lies Rahayu