Logistics and Supply Chain Management

In this increasingly integrated and connected world, logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) is of paramount importance. LSCM is a broader concept of logistics, covering not only flow of products or materials, but also the way companies interact and maintain relationships upstream and downstream in the value delivering network. Some argue that the future competition is not between companies, but supply chains. Appropriate management of LSCM activities can therefore help companies achieve their sustainable competitive advantage. This course is designed to equip students with conceptual understanding and practical discussion of LSCM. It also helps students develop their managerial capability and triggers critical thinking on how to effectively and efficiently run the LSCM operations. This course also covers topics related to LSCM resilience and sustainability which are relevant in this uncertain environment. 

This course adopts learning-focussed teaching with flipped classroom approach. Learning-focussed teaching means that students’ learning process is paramount and developed through open discussion and critical thinking rather than one-way lecture. In the flipped classroom environment, students are expected to prepare themselves prior to the class discussion. Whilst selected topics and readings are offered to trigger the class discussions, students are welcome to bring and discuss their own materials beyond what has been suggested in this syllabus. This way, students are responsible for their own learning. They are the centre of knowledge that is (re)constructed together with the lecturer acting as a facilitator.