Agama Islam 2 Kelas Ilmu Ekonomi TA 2023_2024
The Islamic Religion II (for Economics and Business) course provides an overview of the application of Islamic values, especially in the context of economics, management, business, accounting & finance. The material discussed is about the introduction to fiqh muamalah, maqoshid Sharia, and the application of Sharia in the field of economics, management, business, accounting & finance and relevant contemporary issues. Students are encouraged to be active in seeking their own references from various appropriate sources, and understand these issues independently. In other words, students conduct self-discovery of the understanding and application of Islamic values in the issue.
In addition, it will also discuss moderate Islamic values in daily life and their application. Thus, this course is expected to shape the behavior of students with high integrity, in accordance with the mission of FEB UGM. The role of the lecturer is as a facilitator who guides, directs and monitors students in the lecture process so that it fits the corridor so as to provide the expected results.