Digital Marketing WP RR

This course describes the way of how a company achieves its marketing goals by determining a specified target market and using its sufficient marketing sources to successfully serve the target market. Therefore, marketing is an orderly and insightful process for thinking about and planning for markets. The efforts are conducted in a superior way facing the age of technology advancement. Customer lifetime value is perceived as a controlling factor to formulate a broad strategy and refining it into a detailed marketing mix, i.e. product, price, place or distribution and promotion, and action plan. Planning, evaluation and improvement relating to the marketing mix need marketing decisions by a manager. The decisions include who the company wants as its customers, which needs to satisfy, what products and services to offer, what prices to set, what communications to send and receive, what channels of distribution to use, and what partnerships to develop. In making his/her decisions, he/she might be influenced by uncontrollably environmental factors, such as political, economic, social, legal, technology, demographic factors and competition.

Marketing environment is fast-changing and dynamic in nature. It impacts the way marketers formulate their strategies. For example, digitalization has empowered both consumers but also arms marketers with a more efficient and effective tools to market their offerings. The adoption of internet and other information technologies cause marketer to create innovative ways to deliver customer values. Many businesses and organizations use the Internet and Web media – including social networking and media sharing, web sites and blogging, audio and video and other emerging technologies – to connect with customers and market products and services in the global economy. Marketers find that information technologies have improved efficiency of marketing functions, transformed marketing strategies, and changed consumer behavior. This phenomenon leads greater challenges as well as opportunities to them to redesign their marketing program in more sophisticated ways. Through a series of learning videos, we would like to bring up cases related to digitalization and its implication on marketing strategies. Widya Paramita, anggraeni pranandari

MOOC FEB UGM Accounting & Finance

MOOC ini bertujuan untuk memberikan mahasiswa Pre-MBA pengantar yang mudah diakses dan menarik tentang akuntansi dan keuangan, tanpa memandang pengetahuan atau pengalaman sebelumnya dalam subjek tersebut. Kursus ini akan terdiri dari 12 topik yang mencakup prinsip-prinsip dasar akuntansi dan keuangan, disampaikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Pada akhir kursus, mahasiswa akan memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang prinsip-prinsip akuntansi dan keuangan serta mampu mengaplikasikannya dalam skenario bisnis praktis.


Kursus ini akan memberikan manfaat bagi mahasiswa Pre-MBA dengan memberikan dasar yang kokoh dalam akuntansi dan keuangan, membantu mereka merasa lebih percaya diri dan siap untuk kursus MBA mereka, serta menunjukkan kepada pengusaha bahwa mereka memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang akuntansi dan keuangan. Audiens target termasuk lulusan baru, profesional yang ingin beralih ke bidang yang berhubungan dengan bisnis, dan individu dari latar belakang non-bisnis yang tertarik untuk mengejar MBA atau karier dalam bisnis.

Pengantar Ekonomi II

According to Peraturan Rektor Nomor 14 tahun 2020 tentang Kerangka Dasar Kurikulum learning activity in Universitas Gadjah Mada has to follow “Student Centered Learning” method. Moreover, learning materials must be provided in easily accessed media to encourage students’ leadership and creativity. Online learning or Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) could a good alternative in this case. Any course materials can be provided via MOOC, however it is especially important to prioritize basic course like Introduction to Economics II. Introduction to Economics II is compulsory course for new students and requirement for taking more advance course, providing this course through MOOC will help students to have solid understanding of the course.


This course is an introductory level of economics, especially macroeconomics, that will teach students how economists see the world. Students will be introduced to principles, terms, and illustrative examples how an economy works and how economists think. This course covers main themes in macroeconomics at introductory level: national income, growth, saving, money, aggregate supply and demand.


This course shows to the students on how economists analyse the entire producers and consumers behaviour, market structure, and welfare. The instructor can always provide real-life examples to make sure the students can grasp the idea and its underlying institution. The main goal is to train students to be able to understand basic concepts of economics and start thinking like an economist.


Upon the completion of the Introduction to Economics II course, students are expected to be able to;

  1. To understand basic economic concepts related to macroeconomics.
  2. To use basic economic principles to analyse macroeconomic issues or phenomena.
  3. To use basic economic principles to be able to predict how changes in policy are expected to impact the economy.