
Matrikulasi Mikroekonomika AP21

Microeconomics is one of the main topics in studying economics. A mathematical approach will be widely used in understanding the topics in this class. The language of mathematics is used to ensure that concepts and theories can be conveyed with minimum interpretation bias. The mathematical concepts used are sets, functions, and simple calculus.

There are three major topics covered in this class: consumer theory, producer theory, and market theory. Although microeconomics has a broader scope, these three topics are considered the minimum knowledge that a prospective MEP FEB UGM student must have to be able to follow lectures at MEP FEB UGM successfully.

Teacher: Dea Yustisia

Matrikulasi Makroekonomika MEP UGM

Matakuliah ini merupakan matakuliah matrikulasi yang bertujuan untuk membekali calon mahasiswa baru dengan pengetahuan dasar ekonomika makro di tingkat pendidikan paska sarjana MEP. Materi yang dibahas dalam matakuliah ini adalah makroekonomika pada level intermediate.