Ekonometrika III

In a year or so, Master students are going to graduate and work in government offices, public or private enterprises, research centers, and even startups. In these institutions, you are going to be given tasks to understand real-world economic phenomena. To able to accept these tasks, it is important for students to learn a very important tool in economics: econometrics.

In this course, Master students are going to learn the fundamentals of econometrics at an intermediate level. The goal of this course is to introduce students to basics of econometrics, such as estimating causal effects and inference statistics. Students will also learn introduction to applied econometrics techniques—such as microeconometrics and microeconometrics—used in government, business, and academic research. Such tools prepare students who wish to continue to a doctorate degree. The tools are useful for students intending to become quantitative business and economic analysts, and for those interested in knowing how economics is applied to real-world problems. The instructor designs the lectures to achieve a balance between theoretical foundations and applications.

The range of topics covered in this course include, but not limited to, inference statistics, ordinary least square (OLS) estimation method, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, classical assumptions, basic econometric modeling, multivariate regressions, an introduction to limited dependent variable models, an introduction to panel data, and time-series estimation methods.

The course is quite technical and rigorous. You are expected to attend all lectures and tutorials, complete problem sets, and review relevant book chapters before each meeting. You must have a self-discipline to complete this course. Given the 3 credit hours, you must allocate at least 7.5 hours each week for the course.

The instructor encourages students to study in a group of at most two or three students. Each student should review the materials independently before taking turn to explain important concepts to their peers in the group. A student understands a particular concept if she can explain the concept to her peers.


Mata kuliah ini membahas prinsip, teori, and kerangka analitis manajemen keuangan perusahaan (corporate finance) yang dapat dipergunakan oleh manajer keuangan dalam pengambilan keputusan yang berkaitan keuangan perusahaan. Mata kuliah juga memberikan mahasiswa kesempatan untuk mengerti teori manajemen keuangan perusahaan dan bagaimana mengaplikasikan pada kehidupan nyata yang mempunyai dampak pada penciptaan nilai berkelanjutan (generate lasting value impact).

People Management MScM Genap 2023/2024

Matakuliah ini dirancang untuk membahas berbagai isu terkait dengan manajemen perilaku manusia di tempat kerja, yang mencakup bidang manajemen sumberdaya manusia (MSDM) dan perilaku organisasional (PO). Fokus matakuliah adalah pembahasan berbagai konsep dan hasil riset pengujian konsep-konsep di kedua bidang tersebut. Berbagai bidang pembahasan dipilih untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang struktur dan fungsi perilaku manusia dalam kehidupan organisasional serta sistem, praktik dan kebijakan MSDM yang penting dalam mengelola manusia. 

Perilaku Konsumen Lanjutan

The recognition of consumer diversity leads a greater need to study consumer behavior to provide basic understandings to support successful business decisions. Consumer behavior analysis is broadly needed to support both strategic decisions such as segmentation, targeting and positioning, and tactical decisions such as new product development, pricing, marketing communication, and marketing logistic. This course will discuss customer behavior issues covering such interesting topics as consumer general profile, consumer decision-making process, consumer individual profiles, and consumer environmental influences. After taking this course, the students are expected to have an advance skill in analyzing consumer behavior.

Teacher: sahid nugroho

Seminar Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia Magister Sains

Matakuliah ini membahas berbagai riset empiris kekinian dan teoritis terkait manajemen sumberdaya manusia (MSDM). Bidang pembahasan meliputi riset dan praktik MSDM, baik integrasinya dengan strategi korporat maupun keselarasan antar praktik fungsi MSDM. Praktik MSDM terkait tersebut, yaitu rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan dan pengembangan, kompensasi, manajemen karir, dan manajemen talenta. Pada hakikatnya, MSDM juga bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa semua elemen organisasi dapat secara solid dan mengarah pada pencapaian sasaran dan keunggulan kompetitif organisasi. Topik-topik ini diharapkan dapat menstimulasi dan membantu mahasiswa dalam memilih minat dan isu untuk penyusunan proposal tesis.